
How to get putty termoinal to work on windows
How to get putty termoinal to work on windows

how to get putty termoinal to work on windows
  1. How to get putty termoinal to work on windows generator#
  2. How to get putty termoinal to work on windows manual#
  3. How to get putty termoinal to work on windows software#

  • 10.17 ‘Network error: Connection refused’.
  • 10.16 ‘Network error: Connection reset by peer’.
  • How to get putty termoinal to work on windows software#

  • 10.15 ‘Network error: Software caused connection abort’.
  • 10.14 ‘PuTTY X11 proxy: various errors’.
  • 10.13 ‘Incoming packet was garbled on decryption’.
  • 10.12 ‘Incorrect CRC received on packet’ or ‘Incorrect MAC received on packet’.
  • 10.11 ‘No supported authentication methods available’.
  • 10.10 ‘Access denied’, ‘Authentication refused’.
  • 10.9 ‘Server refused our public key’ or ‘Key refused’.
  • 10.8 ‘Unable to use this private key file’, ‘Couldn't load private key’, ‘Key is of wrong type’.
  • 10.7 ‘Internal error’, ‘Internal fault’, ‘Assertion failed’.
  • 10.5 ‘Server sent disconnect message type 2 (protocol error): "Too many authentication failures for root"’.
  • 10.4 ‘The first cipher supported by the server is.
  • 10.3 ‘SSH protocol version 2 required by our configuration but server only provides (old, insecure) SSH-1’.
  • 10.1 ‘The server's host key is not cached in the registry’.
  • Chapter 9: Using Pageant for authentication.
  • 8.3 Getting ready for public key authentication.
  • How to get putty termoinal to work on windows generator#

  • 8.2 Using PuTTYgen, the PuTTY key generator.
  • 8.1 Public key authentication - an introduction.
  • Chapter 8: Using public keys for SSH authentication.
  • 7.3 Using Plink in batch files and scripts.
  • Chapter 7: Using the command-line connection tool Plink.
  • 6.3 Using public key authentication with PSFTP.
  • Chapter 6: Using PSFTP to transfer files securely.
  • Chapter 5: Using PSCP to transfer files securely.
  • 3.3 Altering your character set configuration.
  • 3.2 Creating a log file of your session.
  • 1.2 How do SSH, Telnet and Rlogin differ?.
  • See appendix C for the licence text in full. You may distribute this documentation under the MIT licence.

    How to get putty termoinal to work on windows manual#

    This manual is copyright 1997-2017 Simon Tatham. The only Unix-specific documentation that currently exists is the man pages. Some options are therefore mentioned that are absent from the Unix version the Unix version has features not described here and the pterm and command-line puttygen utilities are not described at all.

    how to get putty termoinal to work on windows

    Note to Unix users: this manual currently primarily documents the Windows versions of the PuTTY utilities. This manual documents PuTTY, and its companion utilities PSCP, PSFTP, Plink, Pageant and PuTTYgen. PuTTY is a free (MIT-licensed) Windows Telnet and SSH client. Previous page next page PuTTY User Manual

    How to get putty termoinal to work on windows